Brittny Johnson

  • DONA International Certified Birth Doula
  • Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator
  • 1o+ years experience

Training in:

    • Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner and Certified Parent Educator
    • Breech Protocol and Pelvic Floor Balancing Specialist
    • Bereavement Support
    • LGBTQ, Mixed, WOC Families

Everyone in your presence during your labor and birth has a purpose. Your doctor, midwife and nurses are there to keep you and your baby safe. Your partner and your trusted loved ones are there to love you, and to have the profound experience of becoming parents themselves, or grandparents or beloved aunties, etc. Your doula is present to serve and comfort you, to help you trust your body, and to remind you of your power. Your doula is well versed in hospital procedures, medications and common interventions, and can help you create a birth plan according to your preferences. Doulas create the space for your medical support and your loving family’s support to blend seamlessly and support every aspect of a laboring woman.

The day you bring a child into the world has a huge impact on your psyche and my goal as a doula is to protect your memory of this day and ensure that you feel safe and respected, in control of your body and your birth, and that you come to know your power and feel confident as a parent.

I attended my first birth at age 7! I knew immediately birth was my calling. I trained with DONA International in 2009, and continue to deepen my craft with Spinning Babies Workshops, Rebozo Training, Bereavement Training and others. I am also a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, well-versed in the physiology of birth and dedicated to staying up-to-date with evidence-based birth practices.

To find out more please visit my Website

brittny johnson - Sonoma County Doula Group
brittny johnson - Sonoma County Doula Group
DONA - Sonoma Marin Doulas
Lamaze - Sonoma Marin Doulas